Import prescript to access its APIs.

const { test, to, action, defer, pending, independent } = require('prescript')

# test

test('Test name', () => { /* Define steps here */ })
test`Test name`(() => { /* Define steps here */ })

Creates a test.

# to

to('Log in', () => { /* Define sub-steps here */ })
to`Log in`(() => { /* Define sub-steps here */ })

Creates a composite step.

# action(name, async (state, context) => { ... })

action('Fill in username', async (state, context) => { /* Action here */ })
action`Fill in username`(async (state, context) => { /* Action here */ })

Creates an action step. The function passed to action() will be called with these arguments:

  • state - The state object. In the beginning of the test, it is empty. Add things to this object to share state between steps and have it persisted between reloads.
  • context - The context object contains:
    • log(...) - Logs a message to the console. Use this instead of console.log() so that it doesn’t mess up console output.
    • attach(name, buffer, mimeType) — Attachs some binary output. For example, screenshots, raw API response. This will get written to the Allure report.

# defer

defer('Close browser', async (state, context) => { /* Action here */ })
defer`Close browser`(async (state, context) => { /* Action here */ })

Creates a deferred step which queues an action to be run at the end of test. If the test reached this step, the action will be queued for running at the end, regardless of whether the test passed or not.

A common pattern is to create a deferred step for closing the resource right after the action step that requested the resource.

action('Open browser', async state => {
  const options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } }
  const browser = webdriverio.remote(options)
  state.browser = browser
  await browser.init()
defer('Quit browser', state => {
  await state.browser.end()

# pending()


Defines a pending step. When a pending step is run, it marks the test as pending.

  • When running in development mode, this causes the test to pause.
  • When run in non-interactive mode, prescript will exit with code 2.

See more example how to use a pending step here.

# getCurrentState()

Returns the current test state object. This method allows library functions to access the current state without requiring user to pass the state object all the way from the action.

This can make writing tests more convenient, but treat this like a global variable — it introduces an implicit runtime dependency from the caller to prescript’s internal state.

# getCurrentContext()

Returns the current test state object. This method allows library functions to access functions such as context.log() and context.attachment() without requiring users to pass the state object all the way from the action.

This can make writing tests more convenient, but treat this like a global variable — it introduces an implicit runtime dependency from the caller to prescript’s internal state.

# independent(() => { ... })

Steps directly inside this block will be run independently. For example, in the following code, actions A, B, and C would always be run even if preceding actions failed. However, action D will not be run if any previous actions failed.

independent(() => {