Developer Mantra

  1. Iterate fast. Speed is of the essence.
  2. Incrementalism over “moonshots”. Borrow and enhance what’s proven to work.
  3. Don’t over engineer. Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Remember; “You ain’t gonna need it.”
  4. Beautiful Apps over Beatiful Code. i.e. UX/UI (hard to get right) over back-end structure (not as hard to get right).
  5. Stay on point Do only what’s currently a priority for the stakeholders and the team.
  6. Experiment rapidly, all the time. Progress = our rate of experimentaion.
  7. Be passionate about what you’re doing
  8. Be engaged. Show that you care. Everyone notices if you don’t
  9. 1st rule of optimization: Don’t. 2nd rule: Don’t..yet. 3rd rule: Profile before optimizing.
  10. The process is: Make it work. Then make it right. And, finally, make it fast.